Our Top Tips to give your customers an amazing experience

Our Top Tips to give your customers an amazing experience

"You could bring out your own DVD on how to give good customer service!"

Are your customers important to you? If they are important to you and the future growth of your business, are you giving them an amazing customer experience? Our recent Blog highlights three recent personal customer experiences that were poor and the personal impact of those experiences. Having drawn attention to the impact of the negative experiences, this article covers our top tips for ensuring positive customer service.

Of the four recent experiences, only one was good. The service received was amazing and included the staff opening up the facility especially so that I could do my Christmas shopping. You may not be able to offer such an experience yourselves but it was the 'can do', 'no problem' attitude of the staff that made me feel special and want to share my experience with friends who would also shop there. They took the time to understand my personal circumstances and went out of their way to help me, which benefitted them because I spent a lot of money!

Why is customer experience a learning and development issue you may ask? The most disappointing experience was so avoidable and was purely a lack of training. Good customer care can be learned in a host of different ways and as HR and Organisational Development specialists, we really understand the importance of the human relationship and its impact on people. As an outsourced HR and training solutions provider we also have the expertise to help businesses improve their customer service. The top tips below are not in any particular order but they focus on actions that individual customer services staff can take as well as the steps businesses can take to embed good customer service into their people operations culture.

  1. Have a customer champion in your business - someone who is passionate about your business, your customers and the service you give.
  2. Measure your customer satisfaction levels.
  3. Keep your customers informed if there is a problem or a delay.
  4. Make contacting your business easy, not hard. Show your customers they are important to you.
  5. Don't lie to your customers. If you don't know the answer, or the delivery date, say so - and don't make promises you can't keep.
  6. Train your staff in how to give good customer service. If money is tight, we can help you with that. There are many ways you can train on a shoestring.
  7. Don't pay your customer service staff peanuts. Pay them as if they are important to you.
  8. Have good HR and people operations infrastructure in place to provide a positive employment experience for your staff. They in turn will provide a positive customer experience on your behalf because they feel valued too.
  9. Really listen to your customers. Don't just have your staff follow a script. Allow time for them to really understand and respond properly to your customers' concerns and complaints.
  10. See every customer interaction as an opportunity. If your customers are taking the time to contact you, even with a problem, it is a sales opportunity. Your customers would not be contacting you if they do not want to business with you.

If you would like more information about how to put the top tips above into practise, complete the contact us form below and we will send out our more detailed guidance document. And, as we have said earlier in this article, we can help you provide positive customer experiences in a number of ways. We can:

  • train your staff directly for you (if your budget allows)
  • train your team leaders, managers or supervisors to train their own staff, whether it be for new starters or refresher training
  • provide activities and other resource material for you or your team leaders, managers etc. to use internally
  • help you put the right HR / people operations infrastructure in place to enable your customer service to provide a a positive experience for your customers.

As HR and Organisational Development specialists, the one thing we really know about is the importance of the human relationship and its impact on individuals and organisations. So why not turn our knowledge and expertise into your customer experience USP so that you can steal a march on your competitors?

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