Talent Development for non-managerial staff

Talent Development for non-managerial staff

This talent retention programme is aimed at non-managerial team members who have potential and who you wish to retain in your organisation. The programme has been successfully refined over the years with our retained clients who recognise talent development as an integral part of their offer as an employer of choice.

Each individual participant receives four career/development interviews over a twelve month period in which their career aspirations are discussed, with the aim of aligning those with your organisation. Participants will have a Personal Development Plan to consider how best they learn, what they need to learn and how best to achieve this. Solutions will include all manner of low-cost internal support and development solutions that the employer is able to offer.

A number of self-analysis activities will be included during the twelve months so that each participant increases their awareness of what they enjoy and what they don't, their strengths and weaknesses and their style of operation. These activities will enable participants to really identify how to get the best from their working life so that they maintain job satisfaction. A high level of satisfaction with their role and their employer can only be of benefit to employers wishing to retain their talent.

If it is identified that participants would benefit from external knowledge input, they have the option of joining the CHaRM Talent Club, which provides six x 1.5 hour virtual bursts of knowledge on subjects such as:

  • Managing your time
  • Developing your own personal brand
  • Setting goals and objectives.

A full programme of the quarterly activities is available from the L&D team here at CHaRM.

Get in Touch

Please use the form below for any enquiries.