Managing Absence from Work
The aim of this in-house workshop is to enable managers to consistently and effectively manage absence, using a variety of tools and techniques to understand absence patterns. Return to Work Interviews are advocated as a tool for managers to use to fully understand the reasons for absence and manage absence effectively and in line with their Company procedures. At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
- Describe the different reasons for absence from work and assign the correct reason for absence in each case.
- Effectively manage and monitor absence from work, both authorised and unauthorised absence.
- Conduct effective return to work interviews to reduce absenteeism.
- Confidently handle sensitive and difficult situations.
- Effectively use appropriate two-way communication skills such as questioning and listening within the return to work interview.
- Use the return to work interview to ascertain the reasons for absence so that decisions can be made about the appropriate course of action to take.
To find out more about how the content can be designed to meet your own specific needs, call the L&D team on 0115 984 3119 or email